Kailey will help you get your energy up in one of her BarreFormer Pilates or TreadBarre classes, so get ready to see your body transform! Kailey is your girl to encourage you to be your best self by getting motivated to work your hardest. Expect lots of sprints and lunges in Kailey’s classes because those are her favorite! Kailey’s house remixes will definitely encourage you to run your fastest sprint EVER! After attending one of  Kailey’s classes, your core will be on FIRE after all those trunk curls and inchworms she will incorporate into her incredible routines. 

In Kailey’s BarreFormer Pilates classes, you can expect high energy, a fun playlist (maybe with a hidden theme), and a burn you’ll feel throughout the week! In Kailey’s TreadBarre classes, get ready for boundless energy and beats that will make you want to run! Get motivated and book Kailey’s class now!